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Display percentage in pie chart


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There were several posts on this forum about how to display the percentage value corresponding to each slice in a pie chart.


You need to use a chart customizer and associate it with your chart element in order to control the content of the labels by setting a label generator.

The label expression inside the chart dataset cannot be used because there is no way to calculate percentages there.

So this can be achieved only by setting a specially configured label generator to the JFreeChart object like seen in the chart customizer implementation below:



import net.sf.jasperreports.engine.JRChart;
import net.sf.jasperreports.engine.JRChartCustomizer;
import org.jfree.chart.JFreeChart;
import org.jfree.chart.labels.StandardPieSectionLabelGenerator;
import org.jfree.chart.plot.PiePlot;

public class PieChartCustomizer implements JRChartCustomizer

public void customize(JFreeChart jFreeChart, JRChart jrChart)
PiePlot piePlot = (PiePlot) jFreeChart.getPlot();
StandardPieSectionLabelGenerator labelGenerator
= new StandardPieSectionLabelGenerator("{0} {1} {2}"«»);



Note that the place holders in the standard label generator have special meanings and {2} is for the percentage. They are all explained here:



Put the chart customizer class in the classpath of your application and associate it with your chart by setting customizerClass="PieChartCustomizer" on your chart element.


I hope this helps.


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Hi Teodord,


Your solution works fine. I try to use the label expression inside the dataset, to avoid to change the custumizer every time I went to change the label format. With a little change in your code, it can be done.


  public void customize(JFreeChart jFreeChart, JRChart jrChart) {

JRFillPieDataset dataset = (JRFillPieDataset) jrChart.getDataset();

if (dataset.getLabelExpression() != null) {
String label = dataset.getLabelExpression().getText();
label = label.substring(1, label.length() - 1);
PiePlot piePlot = (PiePlot) jFreeChart.getPlot();
StandardPieSectionLabelGenerator labelGenerator =
new StandardPieSectionLabelGenerator(label);



I hope this can help!


Luiz Augusto Ruiz

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  • 6 years later...

Hi Teodor,

I tried to use the Customizer as specified in this post but it isn't working for me. Here's the code I tried:


public class PieChartCustomizer implements JRChartCustomizer



public void customize(JFreeChart jFreeChart, JRChart jrChart)


PiePlot piePlot = (PiePlot) jFreeChart.getPlot();

StandardPieSectionLabelGenerator labelGenerator

= new StandardPieSectionLabelGenerator("{0} {2}");






Then implementing the class like this:


JRDesignChart jrPieChart = new JRDesignChart(jasperDesign,net.sf.jasperreports.engine.JRChart.CHART_TYPE_PIE);





As soon as that last line to setCustomizerClass runs that's the last I see of the method.


What am I doing wrong?


Thanks in advance for your help.


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Hi Teodor,
I tried to use the Customizer as specified in this post but it isn't working for me. Here's the code I tried:

public class PieChartCustomizer implements JRChartCustomizer
public void customize(JFreeChart jFreeChart, JRChart jrChart)
PiePlot piePlot = (PiePlot) jFreeChart.getPlot();
StandardPieSectionLabelGenerator labelGenerator
= new StandardPieSectionLabelGenerator("{0} {2}");

Then implementing the class like this:

JRDesignChart jrPieChart = new JRDesignChart(jasperDesign,net.sf.jasperreports.engine.JRChart.CHART_TYPE_PIE);

As soon as that last line to setCustomizerClass runs that's the last I see of the method.

What am I doing wrong?

Thanks in advance for your help.

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